How many times do we allow negative self-talk to be in control when life is so full of empowerment choices? When we are hard on ourselves it is an especially crucial time to break the pattern because we can. We get to give ourselves permission to learn, recycle and reinvent!

Courage takes guts and is about doing whatever it takes to find a place of peace and serenity. It is about facing the things in life that are hard and walking through them no matter what challenges present themselves. I like this quote “Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; It’s choosing what’s right over what’s fun, fast, furious or easy; and it’s practicing your values, not just professing them. – Brene Brown. It takes an awful lot of humility to face our flaws, but acknowledgment is the first step to healing.

Years ago, I was at a personal growth seminar by a local author by the name of Earnie Larson. I was saddened to hear of his passing in January 2011. He changed the lives of many people and the quote from him I will always carry with me. What we learn, we practice. What we practice, we become. What we become has consequences. That statement was about change and teaching ourselves new behaviors.

When we hear the saying that people don’t change it drives me crazy because guess what?

Change —- Is —- Constant.    

It is the way people try not to transform and grow that is crazy. How easily we forget that fear can be healthy if it motivates us to do something differently. It is how we experience adjustments in our lives and what we do with that information that matters. Personal courage and growth are a series of choices, so what are you waiting for?

Greatness requires simplicity. Get out there and make it happen because you can.

What does having courage mean to you?